Tuesday, April 07, 2015


I have been riding my bicycle since December. Today is the first time the beast of a hill leaving our neighborhood didn't completely kill me. 
I enjoy riding my bike for a peace of mind. If I lose weight during my rides then great!! The first time I hit the streets I realized what it did for my mind. 
Today I increased my route. Along the way my 18 month old and I enjoyed God's beauty! Spring flowers in bloom. They smelled so good. Listening to the birds. It's just a time to thank the Lord for all he has done! 
Any time we get a chance I take our oldest along with me on the route. 
We love to ride together. It's good bonding time! I enjoy seeing him ride. Can't believe he's big enough to actually ride on streets. Life never slows down though. 
Happy trails! 

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