Monday, April 30, 2007

Coming Soon

Coming soon pictures and notes from emceeing a Relay for Life Pageant this weekend and Caitlin's Senior Prom.
You're going to love these pictures.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sheryl Crow's Saving The Planet One Toilet Paper Roll @ A Time

O.K. she has said she was joking now. I just read that. But recently Sheryl Crow posted on her blog that she thought we could save the planet by conserving toilet paper...let me quote it for you "I propose a limitation be put on how many squares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting," that's according to our rock star Global Warming Activist Sheryl Crow. Wow now that's something we should all start practicing..I THINK NOT.
Let me just tell you I grew up with a grandmother who is the queen of toilet paper. That's really what I call her. You used to open a closet and a roll would fall off a shelf and bop you on the head, she kept so much in the house. So I was raised to never have just one roll of toilet paper in the house..much less just use one square in a sitting. Hey, that's kind of gross if you think about it. I'll let your mind do the rest there.
Sheryl I'm glad you fessed up and said you were kidding about the toilet paper limitations you had me worried for a minute there. I thought you were sucking in too many fumes from the bio diesel Global Warming tour bus. Hope the tour is going well.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech Shootings

Senseless and extremely sad. That's the only way to describe the shootings on Virginia Tech's campus where a gunman shot 32 people then turned the gun on himself turning that number to 33.

The news only got worse as the day got longer. It became the worst school shooting in the nation's history.

I can only imagine what these families are going through right now. Not only the victim's of the shootings, but the shooter's family as well. I know the best thing we can do as a nation right now is just pray for the families.

I have a lot of questions right now. I want to know why this suspected gunman Cho Seung-Hui's shot all of these people. I want to know what would drive a person to do such a crazy thing. I don't understand this craziness. I don't think anyone does, and we probably never will have those answers.

It will be interesting to see why the gunman had around 2 hours between each of the shootings. It would seem like something would have stopped him from making it from the dorm rooms to the classrooms.

Lots of questions with little reasoning now...some answers will come in time hopefully.

Watch Jerry Hayes this week on NewsChannel 19 in Blacksburg, Virginia covering the Virginia Tech Massacre.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Painting For Tools For Schools

So here it is ladies and gentleman my painting....It's titled Floating...It's a little girl I started painting in college. She used to be submerged in water surrounded by objects. This time when I

painted her she floated into the clouds and had a smile on her face.
My news director Denise Vickers said I should call it "self portrait." So one of our producers and I, Patrick Ary, decided to make the painting our heads as you can see in the pictures...hehehe.
So the important part about the painting...the station is auctioning off art work done by the WHNT staff to raise money for our Tools for School project. We'll be at Guntersville Art on the Lake Saturday. Can't wait to see everyone there. Hope you enjoy my crazy artwork.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Update On Yoga

Someone asked for an update on my yoga classes. Yoga is going well. I'm still going every week. Three times a week. When the classes are offered. If the class was every day of the week I believe I would be there. I love the class that much.
Yoga has so many health benefits. I can't recommend it more to people who are feeling down and out. So find a class today and sign up. You don't have to be a Gumby to join.
I still can't wrap my leg around my head but I'm getting close...not.
Hope everyone is having a pleasant week.
If you can, try making it to Guntersville Lake this weekend for Art on the Lake. We are selling art work for Tools For School. I have painted a lovely piece of's still in the works right now. I've got to get home and finish painting right now. I'll release more details about the piece later this week...maybe even a picture..humm..

Friday, April 06, 2007

R.I.P. Ruth Goble

Ruth Goble passed away Thursday afternoon from complications of lung and liver cancer.
Her family contacted the NewsChannel 19 Action Line because she had a dying wish to attend the Harlem Globetrotters basketball game. We were able to take the family to the game, but unfortunately Ruth wasn't able to attend the game because of health complications.

I just wanted to let all of you out there know who have kept up with her during this time that she died yesterday. Her family is having a difficult time right now so keep them in your prayers.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Allergies are fun. So since the temperartures are changing does this mean we can stop taking all the allergy medicines???

Who knows? I didn't even know I needed to take the stuff until this year. I just started having these crazy mad headaches from this crazy yellow-green pollen. So I started taking some generic allergy medicine. It works! I didn't even know I had allergies.
But when do I stop taking the allergy pill? Maybe I should ask the pharmacist that recommended I take it. All I know is I don't want the mad angry headache again. Ouch.
See that picture of the woman...she has pollen all over her face...she looks mad...that's the way the Tennessee Valley was feeling for a while there. Did the rain do anything for the pollen though? I'll have to go ask the weather boys.
How are all of your allergies?