Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I'm On YouTube...

Hey everybody....I'm on youtube.com. That's pretty cool. It's not like it's a long take or anything. One of our photographers was surfing around today and found me on there. Well a long story short. Here's the story behind why I'm on there. I was doing a court story one day and out of no where here comes a skateboarder flying down the Madison County courthouse steps behind me in my live shot. He busted (fell down) when he landed.
I don't know who sent this in to the website because it happened a really long time ago. I imagine this clip of video has been on you tube for quite some time now.
We got a big laugh out of it in the newsroom when it happened.
At the time though my photographer and I decided to make another story out of the guys. We went and talked to them about why they were skateboarding there since it was illegal. That was our story the next day! Two for one- that's what we like to call days like that one. Enjoy the link.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Harry Potter Review

Here's something for all you Harry Potter fans out there from my friend and co-worker Claire Aiello.
GUEST MOVIE REVIEW, by Claire Aiello
Hello – once again I am too lazy to keep a blog of my own, but Amber has graciously let me post a movie review on hers. I saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix this weekend, and once again, it leaves me ready for the next movie!

The film was very good. I have read Books 1 through 6, so nothing in it was a surprise to me when it happened, but it still stinks, knowing it’s going to happen… and there’s nothing you can do to prevent it.


It just kills me, that Harry finally gets to spend some quality family time with his godfather (Sirius Black), his only living relative, and boom, he dies. It just stinks. I mean, you know it’s going to happen, and every time you see Sirius giving Harry advice, or straightening him out, you know it’s only for so long. And Sirius finally looks healthy! He’s got some food in him, he’s got some decent clothing, a great smile and doesn’t look like an escapee from Azkaban anymore. I was very sad when his death happened in Book 5, and knew it was coming when I saw the movie Sunday but it’s so hard to see it on screen. You really come to love the characters and the actors who portray them. Gary Oldman was really great as Sirius.

And another thing. How do you get to be in a painting at Hogwarts? These old schoolmasters, or historic figures get to be alive in a painting, talking with the students any time they want. Why can’t Sirius get to be in one of these so Harry can still visit with him?

Okay, I got that out. The movie was very good, and it was neat to see the Ministry of Magic come to life. I thought the cinematography was fantastic, especially with the scene at the end between Harry, Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort. Of course, the movie ends and leaves you wanting for more.. so I’ll have to wait another year or two for “Half Blood Prince” to be released in theatres.

I’m also looking forward to Book 7, due out this Saturday. I just hope Harry keeps his title as “The Boy Who Lived.”

Claire AielloWeb Content Manager, WHNT.com

Monday, July 09, 2007

Senator Barack Obama's Visit

Here are a few snapshots taken from the video of Senator Barack Obama's visit to Huntsville. I got to interview him before and after his $1,000 plate luncheon fundraiser. Plus, a $2,300 pre-lunch reception. This candidate is raising some big money.

I'm impressed with Senator Obama. He was a very nice and cordial man. Very accessible to the media. I shook his hand and got to ask him several questions. I can see why people are following this man around and like him so much. He is just that guy next door. Senator Obama is a hard guy not to like.
When I asked him where he stood on the War In Iraq Sen. Obama said, "It's time for us to bring our troops home. I want us to get our troops out. Our combat troops out of their day to day role by next year and that's something we can accomplish."
Senator Obama is also very big on global warming. He says we can all do our part.
"We can increase fuel efficiency standards on cars," said Senator Obama. "We can change our light bulbs in our businesses. We can tell our industries that they've got to stop sending out greenhouse gases."
Those were just a few questions I got to ask. A Huntsville Times reporter asked him who he had in mind for a running mate. He said he hadn't even thought about it. Yea right. I'm sure that's the last thing on his mind. He does have to make it past the primary.

So I think it's pretty cool this is the third presidential candidate I've got to be in close quarters with. Only the second I've got to answer MY questions.
The first was Senator John Edwards. That situation was pretty much the same situation as yesterday. I had a one on one interview with Senator Edwards in Montgomery. The Montgomery Advertiser actually snapped a picture of that interview and put it in the paper.
My other presidential candidate was Rudy Giuliani. I tried asking questions, but the national media ran over us local media. That was at the Space and Rocket Center not long ago. I wrote about it here on the blog. Just look back a few reports to find it.
I hope more candidates come to the Rocket City so I can find out who I want to vote for in the 2008 Presidential Election.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Happy Birthday Baby! My husband, Kevin, celebrated his 28th birthday Friday. Silly me accidentally bought a bag that has the word THIRTY written really big on the front of it. Honestly, I did not notice it when I bought it in a hurry at the Dollar Tree Thursday night. He came down to get his present Friday morning and said "Thirty" and I said "What?" I had no clue what he was talking about. I really did not know. I thought it said Happy Birthday. Sometimes I just don't pay attention when I'm in a hurry.
I did this with our Mother's Day cards this year...oops I did it again. Sorry! Everyone is laughing at me. They were supposed to be cards for our mothers, but the cards I bought were for first time mothers from husbands...oops. I just scratched out the names on the cards and still gave them away once I realized the mistake I had made because I liked the cards! They were those singing cards.
The moral to this story...I need to pay more attention when I'm out shopping by myself. And yes, my husband is really going to get me on my next birthday.