Monday, March 30, 2015

Another Day! Another Mess!

So we have a lot of messes everyday! I only take pictures of the ones I feel worthy of the shots! 
This happened today while I was driving. Big Brother Cole shared a pack of Rolos with Cannon. 
I heard the snickering and thought nothing of it. They laugh at each other all the time. Plus! They were not fighting!! 
Then Cole shouted Mom!! I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the little baby hand covered in chocolate. Still didn't think a thing about it. 
Pulled into the garage got out of the van. Opened the door gasped!!!! Oh dear!!! Chocolate from head to toe!!! In every crevice of the car seat. Oh the joys of brothers. They had a blast!! And thank God for the person who invented stain stick. I will need it. 
Each day I meet these little obstacles I laugh instead of scream. And a little more of me becomes more laid back. 
Have I mentioned I am keeping baby wipes makers in stock and I need a better vacuum cleaner!! Would not trade it for the world. 

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