Friday, December 12, 2008

Doctor's Visit/Contractions!

We visited the doctor Wednesday, a day I experienced contractions all day long!!! He said my cervix had softened a little more, but nothing significant. Still 70% thinned and a centimeter dilated. The reason I've been on bed rest since November 18th.
Thursday, I didn't have any contractions until late into the night and they were very mild. Nothing like Wednesday.
Now today, I'm having contractions again. I woke up this morning having small contractions. These are just random ones. They haven't formed a pattern yet and aren't as painful as Wednesdays.
The good thing we are now in the 36th week of the pregnancy. Something tells me we are getting close to meeting Cole Huston Stuart. I can feel the rubber band tighten around my waist as I type, so I'm done with this entry. Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck rest of way keep us posted on Baby Steuarts progress. You have any nursery photos to post.

Amy said...

I am so proud that you have gotten to week 36!! Just remember - you are doing the best thing possible for baby Cole. I can't wait to meet him!


amber stuart said...

Thank you so much!!! And we can't wait for everyone to meet him.
As for nursery photos. Maybe Kevin can take some.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I am proud of you for making it this far! You know they induced me right at 40 weeks. I had not "thinned" at all and was not dilated. They gave me my first epidural at 1cm dilated. They're supposed to wait until 4. My OB said go. He didn't think Taylor was even going to come out period. I had a second epidural at 8.5cm even when the OB was questioned again. So girl, I am so proud of you! I would be not chill. I hope Cole makes it past Christmas! You just rest sweetheart!