Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Go Vote

I voted this morning. It's always a great feeling after casting a ballot. I won't say on here who I voted for, but it was a last minute decision. I do feel confident in my decision that this person can lead the country.
I like their tax plan and feel they have good morals. Tonight I just have to wait and see if that person gets the votes they need to win the primary.
Now I'm about to go head to polls and talk to voters.
Everyone go and cast a vote. Let your voice be heard.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Campaign 08'

Who to vote for? Obama, Clinton, Huckabee, McCain or Paul? I'm still undecided and it's the night before Super Tuesday. I've never gone into an election day this undecided. Maybe if the candidates hadn't of started dropping out like flies then this wouldn't be so hard!

Now here's what I really hate about tomorrow when I get to my polling place I've got to tell them Republican or Democrat then they'll hand me a voting card. That stinks in the primary. But that's just the way this election is.

O.K. so tonight I guess I'll watch all the candidates tell me again what their platforms are over and over. My husband and I have done this several times. At the end of the night we talk about which candidate we think is the best and we still haven't decided.

Who do you think is the best candidate to run this country? I'm sure all of you have opinions out there. Who has the best tax plan, health care plan? They are very important issues. And most importantly our men and women fighting for our counrtry in Iraq. Which President is going to do the right thing with our troops.

Tell me who you're voting for on Super Tuesday! I think it's very important we all cast a vote because without a vote we have no voice. Let your voice be heard!