Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cole Huston Stuart has Arrived!!!!

Cole Huston Stuart arrived into the world December 29, 2008 at 7:34 p.m.
He weighed 6 lbs 8 oz and was 18 and a half inches long.
Cole was 16 days early but got to go straight to the well baby nursery.
We are so in love with him.


Monday, December 29, 2008

Going to the Hospital!

We are headed to the hospital to have Cole one way or the other! Dr. Conrad is going to try to turn Cole first. If that's successful then I'll be induced, if not then we're headed straight in for a c-section.
Please keep us in your prayers.
All the heavy work starts at 6 tonight!!!!
We'll post pictures as soon as possible of the little bundle of joy.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas today. We are spending ours at home a little different this year on bed rest, for good reason though. To make sure Baby Cole enters this world healthy.
I will say we have good family, friends and neighbors. People are stopping by and bringing food and good Christmas cheer. It's nice.
My Santa Claus (Kevin) brought me wonderful presents this morning.
So, everyone have a wonderful Christmas and remember Jesus is the reason for the season.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Strict bed rest! We're back home. Cole is still in my tummy. I'm borderline pre-eclampsia. The cure for now stricter bed rest than before.
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas~we'll be spending ours here at home watching whatever they put on television.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Still Waiting

We should know something any minute....we are getting restless. Everyone is standing around the room with arms crossed pacing. Not me, I'm in the bed relaxing!
We're just waiting on a nurse or the doctor to come back with the test results. Then we'll know if we're going in for a c-section or an induction.
Stay tuned and keep praying.


This morning I'm sitting in the hospital bed just waiting. I've been up since about 4:30 this morning checking email and websites.
We had a surprise visit from our doctor, Dr. Michael Conrad, this morning. He just stopped in to check up on Cole and me. Of course I'm still swollen and Cole is doing fine, he is still breeched.
We'll know this afternoon if we're going in for a Cesarean section today or the first of next week. It will all depend on a 24 hour urine analysis I've been doing.
Either way, Cole will be delivered the first of next week if not today.
This is all due now to high blood pressure~they believe pre-eclampsia is settling into my body now.
Guess what though? I've still got high spirits! We're going to have a Christmas miracle out of this experience I feel sure.
Please continue to pray.
I will try my best to update the blog this afternoon~ that is if I get a chance after we find out what we're going to do.
Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 22, 2008


We are in the hospital right now. My blood pressure is up this time and I'm swollen like a pig. We have to stay overnight for tests. There is a possibility Cole could be here tomorrow. If my blood pressure doesn't go down.
So, we go from one issue to another with this pregnancy~
It's o.k. we did an ultrasound this morning and they said Cole weighed 7 pounds, which means he could weigh around 6 pounds. He is breeched though. We're hoping for a miracle tonight, maybe he'll get active and turn around! He is a busy little one.
Please keep us in your prayers!
And everyone have a safe Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Doctor's Visit/Contractions!

We visited the doctor Wednesday, a day I experienced contractions all day long!!! He said my cervix had softened a little more, but nothing significant. Still 70% thinned and a centimeter dilated. The reason I've been on bed rest since November 18th.
Thursday, I didn't have any contractions until late into the night and they were very mild. Nothing like Wednesday.
Now today, I'm having contractions again. I woke up this morning having small contractions. These are just random ones. They haven't formed a pattern yet and aren't as painful as Wednesdays.
The good thing we are now in the 36th week of the pregnancy. Something tells me we are getting close to meeting Cole Huston Stuart. I can feel the rubber band tighten around my waist as I type, so I'm done with this entry. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

CBS Sunday Night Movie

I watched the CBS Sunday night, Hallmark Movie yesterday...Front of the Class.... I loved it! I cried the whole time I watched it.
If you get a chance I highly recommend watching it. It's a true story about a man who has Tourette's Syndrome whose dream is to be a teacher. I'm not going to give the whole story line away.
Wow....great movie. It really passed the bed rest time yesterday.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Excited About Visiting the Doctor

O.K. my appointment with the doctor isn't until Wednesday, but I'm already excited about going. I know most people don't get excited about going to the doctor, but when it's your only time to leave the house it's pretty darn exhilarating.
I've been on bed rest now since November 18th. My only trips out of the house are to visit with my Ob-Gyn. I get pretty excited about leaving the house to see the doctor. One, because we get to see how Baby Cole Huston Stuart is doing and two, just to see the outdoors. That's pretty sad I know.
You take for granted everyday just how enjoyable it is to drive and get out and see everything around you. I'm not even driving anymore. I'll have to learn how to drive again when this is over...hahaha. Just kidding. You never forget how to drive.
Well, I just wanted to write about how excited I am about going to the doctor this week...wow, I'm pretty boring...
Maybe tomorrow I'll write about all the trashy television I'm watching....today I'm going to try to watch the CBS movie I DVRed last night...I don't believe that was trashy. I can't wait to watch it.
I hope everyone is having a great Monday and wonderful holiday season.
Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Good Doctor's Report

We visited the doctor Tuesday. The doc says the bed rest is still working and nothing has changed.
So in other words-I'm doing very good laying around the house watching television all day and night. I don't know why they don't call it bed arrest. You can't do anything but stay at the house and stay in the bed or on the couch. But it's the best thing for the health of our unborn son right now.
I have more good news to report!!! Today wraps up the 34th week!!! Tomorrow we will enter the 35th week. So we have at least kept Cole Huston Stuart in there for a little longer even through the contractions.
I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do about Christmas presents this year? I'm hoping the doctor will give me permission to shop in a wheelchair at least one day maybe the day before Christmas??? For gift cards??? That would work right?? Nothing extravagant.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Update on Bed Rest

Cole and I are still resting easy on bed rest. We had a rough day Friday/Saturday with several contractions throughout the night, then several more Saturday morning. Then the contractions finally stopped.
Of course since I'm on bed rest I got to watch the Iron Bowl on t.v.
Since I'm a Bama fan it was a stress free game for me. So no more contractions throughout the day.
We do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow (Tuesday). Hopefully, we can come back with a positive update that the bed rest is working.
Wednesday will complete the 34th week. So at least we are moving along in the pregnancy and Cole is having time to grow and develop.
Please continue to pray for Cole, Kevin and I as we go through this trying time in our lives.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Where am I?

I am on bed rest. Last Tuesday after a couple of trips to the hospital and doctors visits my doctor placed me on bed rest for serious preterm labor complications.
I thought after a week of being out of the loop I would bring everyone up to speed.
Last week at 32 weeks into the pregnancy we got the news that I had lost 70% of my cervix and had started to dilate. Plus, I'm having contractions which has caused all of the above to happen. Obviously, it's not time for this to happen. So my doctor said it was time to stop everything. In order to save Baby Cole Huston Stuart's life. Very scary news.
The good news though we are now in the 33rd week, and tomorrow will wrap up the 33rd week. Thanksgiving day will take us into the 34th week. Our due date is January 14th, which doesn't seem possible now. But you never know with the bed rest.
We had a doctor's appointment yesterday and the bed rest seems to be working. Nothing has changed as far as my cervix and dilating. The doc says we're in a holding pattern. While I'm on medicine to stop the contractions, I'm still having them. That's the only thing that's constant. I will tell you these contractions are not very painful.
And Cole is moving around incredibly.
We're just hoping and praying for more weeks and days. And we hope that you'll do the same for us.
We now have our hospital bags packed and ready to go. And Cole's car seat base is in the car.
The only thing unfinished is the Christmas shopping and the doctor said yesterday I can't even go shopping in a wheelchair. So I guess Christmas is going to be a little different this year.
Please, keep us in your prayers and on your prayer lists.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

It's a day late, but I wanted a picture to show everyone. Kevin and I celebrated our third anniversary yesterday. That is the fabulous desert we feasted on at Dolce. Yum, what a delight. Kevin gave me the sweetest present a Precious Moments baby boy. We're going to sit it in the baby's room! Aww!
So Happy Anniversary Kevin.
The other picture is of my nephew Brady and me. It was taken this weekend in Louisville, KY. He's 2 and half and such a hoot. He says the funniest things and loves for us to be around. He calls me the "Fabulous Aunt Amber". Isn't that sweet, I must say I love it. hehehe.
By the way, his shirt says grill cheese-that's because he loves to eat grill cheese sandwiches.
My niece, Lillian, who lives in Minnesota, will turn two Sunday. They are growing up. And will soon have new cousins. My sister-in-law Jodi (Lillian's mother) is due four days after me. Busy, busy, busy.
So for an update on the pregnancy!!!
We are in our child birthing and parenting classes now. The first child birthing class was interesting. The instructor busted out some hips and put a baby doll through them. I thought o.k. this is going to hurt. Then she talked about the epidural and then I was little more relaxed. Of course learning the timing on the contractions was very helpful as well. Shew, I don't think women are ever ready until we get there. All I know is I'm very excited!!
Oh, and I can't wait to start breathing right again. I haven't been able to breathe today. That's normal though. It happened at the beginning of the pregnancy. Oh, and this little man is a kicker.
Well, I think I've written enough.
I'll tell you more about the parenting class after tonight. We're going to our second parenting class tonight. Should be fun-the last one we learned how to give a baby doll a bath!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Baby Buzz

Just wanted everyone to know there will be two stories on Thursday about Baby Stuart's predictions. The first one will be at six o'clock, the second is at ten o'clock both on NewsChannel 19.
The first story is a history of why Kevin and I chose to go to Rick and Bubba for a baby sex prediction.
The second, takes you to the show and behind the scenes of the ultrasound. Yes, my big belly will be out there having the ultrasound machine rubbed all over it. I can 't believe I'm doing this on television.
Don't forget to tune in Thursday for Baby Buzz at 6 and 10.
BTW-for those counting I will finish the 26th week tomorrow! I'm so excited.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's a Boy!!!

It's a boy!!! Rick and Bubba predicted the baby sex correctly.
What a blast Kevin and I had on the show with the guys doing the prediction. I'm not going to write too much about the show because we are doing a story about it here at NewsChannel 19 on October 14th. I want everyone to tune in and watch the stories. We'll be going in and showing the ultrasound and putting the Rick and Bubba prediction to the test.

So now that the cat is out of the bag...
I thought I would show everyone the progress of "Baby Stuart's" room. These are the pictures I took during the process.
My mom and dad came over a couple of Saturdays ago and helped paint the room. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We painted the room in a khaki color. Beforehand though we had to move a bed out of there and other pieces of furniture.
Right now, my mom the artist is painting pictures of animals to put on the walls. It's going to look so precious once everything is in place. That giraffe stands around 5 feet tall. He's big.

The theme is sort of a safari theme. I call it more of an animal theme. The pictures are going to be in bright colors!
Anyhow, we are still waiting on some furniture to come in. And we are finally registered at some places.
And by the way-I didn't just take pictures that Saturday. I painted and taped the walls so paint didn't drip on the baseboards. We all worked hard that day.
I even made homemade pizza to wrap up the evening. Yum!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

California Trip











Thursday, September 04, 2008

Baby News

I've been asked for a baby update.
We have had a couple of doctors appointments since my last post. The heartbeat continues to be between 140-150 beats per minute. And I'm getting kicked all the time-I love it! Kevin has even felt the baby kick now, just last night actually.
The baby is doing good. We are shopping for a crib. Trying to settle on daycare. You know stressful things. They may sound like tiny things, but they're not.
At the end of this month we are headed down to Birmingham for the big sex prediction!!!
We are going to the Rick and Bubba Show September 29th. We are supposed to be on there during the 7 a.m. hour having Rick and Bubba predict the sex. It should be a hoot please don't miss it.
They are on 100.3 The River here in the Tennessee Valley. If you don't live around here check their website http://www.rickandbubba.com/ to find the station they're on in your area. They are on the radio all over the Southeast and Alaska (where Governor Sarah Palin is from).
I'll try posting some pictures soon of my growing belly-yes it's growing like crazy!
BTW- for those of you wondering-I'm 5 months and in my 22nd week, almost 6 months.
Peace Out and Rock-A-Bye-Baby!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Baby Update

I just wanted to thank everyone who left all of the nice comments congratulating Kevin and I on the pregnancy. Of course we will still be asking for your prayers during this time as well.
Now some of you have asked for updates throughout this time. I will try to update you guys as much as possible.
Today, completes the 17th week of the pregnancy!!! So tomorrow we move into the 18th week. And for those who aren't counting weeks, Saturday we'll be in the fifth month. Wow!
Tomorrow (Thursday) we have another visit to the doctor. We'll get to listen to baby Stuart's heartbeat, which is always very exciting. Last time he/she was beating very regular.

As far as the baby's room goes-well I tackled a dilemma this weekend. In the baby's room one wall was covered with the "Wall of Fame," lots of pictures of famous people and Kevin and me. My mom and I moved it to another wall in the house. I did not know what to do with all of these pictures. Now it has been taken care of and we can move on with the decorating. Oh, yea I still haven't finished cleaning out the baby's closet. I have way to much junk!!! I even pawned some off on my sister, and I still have a ton. It's slowly but surely coming together.
Stay tuned for baby sex predictions... that blog post is coming soon....you don't want to miss it!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008